
Allarme tubercolosi nel mondo
marzo 25, 2008, 1:01 am
Filed under: oreilly, Rankings, Salute, tip o the hat | Tag: , ,

La tubercolosi torna a far paura. Secondo i dati dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità si sta registrando una crescita del 10 per cento soprattutto di quella resistente ai farmaci, che ha raggiunto i livelli più alti mai registrati. Per questo è stato fatto un invito a tutti i medici affinché venga posta la massima attenzione a questa malattia che nel passato ha rappresentato un autentico flagello dell’umanità. Il 24 marzo è la «Giornata mondiale della tubercolosi». Si moltiplicano le iniziative per mettere in guardia tutti i governi affinché adottino misure adeguate per fronteggiare la diffusione di questa infezione. A Ginevra Figo, il calciatore dell’Inter, è stato scelto come testimonial globale dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità per una serie di azioni contro la tubercolosi che saranno coordinate dal Dipartimento StopTB dell’OMS, diretto dall’italiano Mario Raviglione. Negli alberghi Kempinski di tutta Europa verranno esposti manifesti che fanno conoscere il grande pericolo di trasmissione quando i portatori di infezione tubercolare latente non sanno di essere ammalati: sono infetti, ma non hanno ancora i sintomi, andrebbero curati e se ciò non avviene la malattia si attiva ed inizia il contagio. Drammatici sono i dati che ci evidenzia Luca Richeldi, direttore del Centro per le Malattie Rare del Polmone dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Continua a leggere

Top Search Engine Rankings for Your Home Based Online Business
Maggio 29, 2007, 10:06 PM
Filed under: Based, Business, diritto dautore, Rankings

We all should know that one of the best ways to get a massive amount of free traffic to our online business websites is by getting a high ranking with the major search engines.

That makes for a great deal of competition for the top positions, so you need to use every ethical angle you can find if you want to be successful. I have outlined three of the best methods that will greatly help you to achieve top search engine rankings.

1. Getting inbound links is essential to getting your home based online business website in the top rankings. Search engines view each link to your website as a vote. Google tells this very plainly at their website. The more votes you have, the more seriously the search engines will view your site.

Exchanging links with other websites is not as beneficial as it once was, but there is still some value to be received, especially for a new site. This needs to be handled with care. You want to exchange with good quality sites, and ones that are both related to yours and will provide value to your visitors.

Submitting your site to directories is also good. This can bring you one way links which have more value. Many directories are free and do not require a link back. These are the ones to choose in the beginning when your budget is small. Later, you can submit to some of the directories that charge a fee if you think it provides value.

Another way to gain inbound one way links is to write articles. Content is highly in demand, and if you write good informative articles you will find many article directories that will accept your articles. The resource box is your key here, so do some research on how to use a resource box, and visit some directories to get a feel for which type of articles are popular in your field.

2. Keyword selection is very important, and should have been one of the basic building blocks both in choosing what you are marketing online, and what keywords you are going to use in the marketing process. Your keywords should be the foundation of your page titles and they should be sprinkled throughout your website copy. You do want to keep some balance and not get too carried away. Too many keywords can get you penalized.

3. The content you provide on your website is very important. The job of the search engines is to provide the best match for what people are searching for online. When you build quality pages of content on your given subject you increase the possibility that the search engines will see the value and send you visitors.

It is also important to keep your website updated. If the information on your website is timely you need to take care to keep it up with the times and changes on the internet.

Add content from time to time to keep both visitors and search engines coming back. Build your home based online business with a good foundation, use these suggestions and you will begin to see the rewards. Do be patient though, it does take a little time and some concentrated good effort.

About the Author

Find helpful information for using keyword suggestion tools and also tips on submission to directories .